--Chemical compounds that form solution containing hydrogen ions (H+).
--Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid.
--CH3COOH(vinegar) is a weak acid.
--Refers to aqueous or "dissolved in water".
--Acid compounds usually only take one properties of acids when dissolved in water.
Naming Acid compounds
1.Naming acid compounds "--ate".
All acids with oxygen and suffix "--ate".
--Drop "hydrogen".
--Drop suffix "-ate".
--Add suffix "--ic acid" .
EX. Hydrogen Carbonate ---- Carbonic acid
2.Naming Acids compounds "--ite"
--Drop "Hydrogen".
--Drop suffix "--ite".
--Add suffix "-ous acid"..
3.Naming Acids compounds lacking oxygen
--Drop hydrogen.
--Add prefix "Hydro-".
--Drop suffix "-ide".
--Add suffix "-ic acid".
Weak versus Strong
--Strong acids, such as HCl dissociates completely into H+ and Cl+ ions.
--Weak acids, such as CH3COOH dissociates incompletely into H+ and CH3COO ions.
Law of Definite Composition (Proust's Law)
--Chemical compound always has the same proportion of elements by mass.
Law of Multiple Proportion (Dalton's Law)
--Same elements can combine in more than one proportion to form an compound.
Naming Acid Link