--all carbon atoms bonded by single bond
--general form "CaH2a"
--alkyl groups: alkane lost one hydrogen
Alkene & Alkyne
--"ene" double bonded carbon atoms
--"yne" triple bonded carbon atoms
--same naming rules, give double/triple bond the lowest number
--larger groups are diagonal: trans
--larger groups are at either bottom or top: cis
Functional Groups
--most reactive part of the molecule
--insoluble in water
--F is less reactive; Cl, Br are the most reactive ones
--NO2: tend to be explosive
F = fluoro
I = iodo
Cl = chloro
Br = bromo
NO2 = nitro
--using the largest chain containing the OH group
--replacing the "e" ending in parent hydrocarbon chain with "ol"
--give OH the lowest number
general form:
Ketone &Aldehyde
-double bonded oxygen at the end of main chain
-change the ending to "al"
-double bonded oxygen that's not on either end
-change the ending to "one"
for more info: