Sunday, February 12, 2012

Balancing Equation --By Tina Zhao

Balancing Equation:
- The aim of balancing equation is to make the number of atoms of each kind on the reactant side equal to those on the product side. 

-Chemical formulas of reactants are listed on the lefthand side of the equation. 
-Products are listed on the righthand side of the equation. 
-Reactants and products are separated by putting an arrow between them to show the direction of the reaction. Reactions at equilibrium will have arrows facing both directions. 
- First balance the atoms which only occur in one molecule on each side of equation
Balance whole group whenever possible, rather than considering the atoms of groups separately
- Be systematic: do not jump all over an equation balancing a bit here and bit these
-balance atoms which occur in elemental from last. By elemental form we mean that the atoms are not combined with atoms of a different kind.

Example for balancing equation:

step 1:These are simply the formulas for the chemicals named in the problem

Open these links, these links may help you for balancing equation. 

Ionic Compound:

Ionic compounds are basically defined as being compounds where two or more ions are held next to each other by electrical attraction. One of the ions has a positive charge (called a "cation") and the other has a negative charge ("anion").I 

NaCI :  Sodium Chloride
K2SO4:potassium Sulphate
FE2O3:  Iron(III)Oxide

Covalent Compound:
-Bonding between non-metals consists of two electrons shared between two atoms. 
Mono: 1 Di:2  Tri:3 Tetra:4 Penta: 5 Hexa:6 Hepta:7 Octa:8 Nona:9 Deca:10 Hendeca:11 Dadeca:12

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